Academic Open Internet Journal

Volume 13, 2004


A Novel Image Compression Algorithm using Ridgelet Transformation with Modified SPIHT


N. Malmurugan

Assistant Professor

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore – 641 004, India


A. Shanmugam

The Principal

Bannariamman Institute of Technology, Sathyamanagalam – 638 401, India


S. Jayaraman


A.R. Abdul Rajak

Assistant Professor

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore – 641 004, India



Abstract--An effective image coding technique which involves transforming the image into another domain with Ridgelet function and then quantizing the coefficients with modified SPIHT has been presented in this paper. Ridge functions are effective in representing functions that have discontinuities along straight lines. Normal Wavelet transforms fail to represent such functions effectively. SPIHT has been defined for normal wavelet decomposed images as an embedded quantization process. If the coefficients obtained from Ridgelet transform of the image with more discontinuities along straight lines have to subject to quantization process with SPIHT, the existing structure of the SPIHT should be modified to suit with the output of the Finite Ridgelet Transform (FRIT) . In this paper, a modified SPIHT algorithm for FRIT coefficients has been proposed. The results obtained from the combination of FRIT with modified SPIHT found much better than that obtained from the combination of Wavelet Transform with SPIHT


Key words-- Ridgelets, Wavelets, Ridge function, Image coding, Modified SPIHT, Partitioning, and Radon Transform.













A Novel Image Compression Algorithm using Ridgelet Transformation with Modified SPIHT


N. Malmurugan , A. Shanmugam, S. Jayaraman , A.R. Abdul Rajak



Abstract--An effective image coding technique which involves transforming the image into another domain with Ridgelet function and then quantizing the coefficients with modified SPIHT has been presented in this paper. Ridge functions are effective in representing functions that have discontinuities along straight lines. Normal Wavelet transforms fail to represent such functions effectively. SPIHT has been defined for normal wavelet decomposed images as an embedded quantization process. If the coefficients obtained from Ridgelet transform of the image with more discontinuities along straight lines have to subject to quantization process with SPIHT, the existing structure of the SPIHT should be modified to suit with the output of the Finite Ridgelet Transform (FRIT) . In this paper, a modified SPIHT algorithm for FRIT coefficients has been proposed. The results obtained from the combination of FRIT with modified SPIHT found much better than that obtained from the combination of Wavelet Transform with SPIHT


Index Terms-- Ridgelets, Wavelets, Ridge function, Image coding, Modified SPIHT, Partitioning, and Radon Transform.


Candes[1], in 1998 developed a new set of ideas, ridgelet analysis, for solving important problems such as constructing neural networks or approximating and estimating multivariate functions by linear combinations of ridge functions. Candes and Donoho [2], in 1999 introduced the ridgelet transform as a new multiscale representation for functions on continuous spaces that are smooth away from discontinuities along lines. Then Minh N.Do and Martin Vetterli [5] proposed an Orthonormal version of the ridgelet transform for discrete and finite-size images. It uses the finite Radon transform proposed by Bolker [6] (1987) and Matus and Flusser [7] (1993) as a basic building block. The transform is invertible, non-redundant and computed via fast algorithms. Furthermore, this construction leads to a large family of directional and Orthonormal bases for images.


Many image processing tasks take advantage of sparse representations of image data where most information is packed into a small number of samples. Typically, these representations are achieved via invertible and non-redundant transforms. Currently, the most popular choices for this purpose are the wavelet transform and the discrete cosine transform.


The success of wavelets is mainly due to the good performance for piecewise smooth functions in one dimension. Unfortunately, such is not the case in two dimensions. In essence, wavelets are good at catching zero-dimensional or point singularities, but two-dimensional piecewise smooth signals resembling images have one-dimensional singularities. Intuitively, wavelets in two dimensions are obtained by a tensor-product of one dimensional (1-D) wavelets and they are thus good at isolating the discontinuity across an edge, but will not see the smoothness along the edge. This fact has a direct impact on the performance of wavelets in many applications [5]. While simple, these methods work very effectively, mainly due to the property of the wavelet transform that most image information is contained in a small number of significant coefficients around the locations of singularities or image edges. However, since wavelets fail to represent efficiently singularities along lines or curves, wavelet-based techniques fail to explore the geometrical structure that is typical in smooth edges of images. Therefore, new image processing schemes which are based on true two-dimensional (2-D) transforms are expected to improve the performance over the current wavelet-based methods.


To overcome the weakness of wavelets in higher dimensions, Candes and Donoho [2] recently pioneered a new system of representations named ridgelet which deal effectively with line singularities in 2-D. The idea is to map a line singularity into a point singularity using the Radon transform. Then, the wavelet transform can be used to effectively handle the point singularity in the Radon domain. Their initial proposal was intended for functions defined in the continuous R2 space.





The continuous ridgelet transform of an integrable bivariate function f(x) is given by

…………………………… (1)

where ridgelets  in 2-D are defined from a wavelet type function in    1-D  as  

………………….………. (2)

              Wavelets:             point-position

                      Ridgelets:             line-position

The Fig 1 shows the Ridgelet function oriented at an angle  and constant along the lines .

Fig 1 Ridgelet Function


In 2-D, points and lines are related through the Radon transform, thus the wavelet and ridgelet transforms are linked through the Radon transform. More precisely, denote the Radon transform as

................. (3)


Then the ridgelet transform is the application of a 1-D wavelet transform to the slices (also referred to as projections) of the Radon transform, and is denoted as

   …..………….…..….. (4)

Instead of taking a 1-D wavelet transform on the radon transform, the application of a 1-D Fourier transform would result in the 2-D Fourier transform. Let  be the 2-D Fourier transform of, and then we have

 ................................. (5)

This is the famous projection-slice theorem and is commonly used in image reconstruction from projection methods. In short, the ridgelet transform is the application of 1-D wavelet transform to the slices of the radon transform, while the 2-D Fourier transform is the application of 1-D Fourier transform to those radon slices.




For practical applications, the development of discrete versions of the ridgelet transform that lead to algorithmic implementations is a challenging problem. Due to the radial nature of ridgelets, straightforward implementations based on discretization of continuous formulae would require interpolation in polar coordinates, and thus result in transforms that would be either redundant or can not be perfectly reconstructed. We take up a discrete ridgelet transform proposed by Minh N. Do and Martin Vetterli [5] that achieves both invertibility and non-redundancy and its construction leads to a large family of orthonormal and directional bases for digital images, including adaptive schemes. The inverse transform is numerically stable and uses the same algorithm as the forward transform. This discrete version of the Ridgelet Transform uses the discrete Radon transform discussed earlier to obtain Radon Projections of the digital image. Then the conventional 1-D Discrete Wavelet Transform is applied individually on the projections and arranged in a matrix form to result in the FRIT we are looking for.



An invertible discrete ridgelet transform can be obtained by taking the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) on each FRAT projection sequence  where the direction  is fixed. The overall result is called Finite Ridgelet Transform as shown in Fig 2. Typically  is not dyadic, therefore a special border handling is required. Due to the periodicity property of the FRAT coefficients for each direction, periodic wavelet transforms are chosen for

Fig 2 Finite Ridgelet Transform


processing. Since FRAT is redundant and not orthogonal, this redundancy can be removed by applying 1-D DWT on the projections of the FRAT, and by this we can obtain an orthonormal transform. For a more general setting, let us assume that we have a collection of   1-D orthonormal transforms on  (which can be the same), one for each projection  of FRAT, that have bases as



By definition, the FRIT can be written as


By applying DWT decomposition applied on the FRAT projections, all of the non-orthogonality and redundancy of the FRAT is pushed into the scaling coefficients. When the DWTs are taken to the maximum number of levels then all of the remaining scaling coefficients at different projections are the same, hence we can drop all but one of them. The result is an Orthonormal FRIT.


We prove the above result for the general setting where different transforms can be applied on different FRAT projections. The choice of transforms can be either adaptive, depending on the image, or pre-defined. The orthogonality holds as long as the all lowpass branch of the general tree-structured filter bank is decomposed to a single coefficient. All other branches would contain at least one highpass filter thus leading to zero-mean basis functions. Due to the wrap around effect of the FRAT, some of its projections could contain strong periodic components so that a Fourier-type transform like the DCT might be more efficient.  



In this paper we propose the following coding technique for images with straight singularities. The proposed model shown in Fig 3 is very effective in overcoming the shortcomings of the wavelet transform based coding methods when applied to images with linear edges. The technique is as follows:


1.    Represent the image data as intensity values of pixels in the spatial co-ordinates.

2.  Apply Ridgelet Transform (Orthonormal Ridgelet Transform, to be specific) on the image    matrix and get the Ridgelet coefficients of the image.

3.  Quantize the available coefficients using the SPIHT Algorithm, specially modified for the Orthonormal Ridgelet Transform.

4.   Use any form of entropy coding on the bit stream available from the SPIHT encoder.




The SPIHT Algorithm as given in the literature is a very useful tool for uniformly quantizing the coefficients obtained from the wavelet sub band decomposition of images [8], [9],[10]. It forms


Fig 3 Proposed Image Compression Techniques

Lists using the approximation and Nth level decomposition detail coefficients and then checks them for significance against a threshold. Offspring are established using quad tree spatial orientation structures and then each significant coefficient is bit plane coded in the order of descending entropy. Roots are coded prior to the offspring.


The problem in applying such an algorithm to the Ridgelet decomposed image is that the form in which ridgelet decomposes the image is different from that of wavelets.


1.  Also the wavelet decomposition of Radon Projections in the Ridgelet analysis is not necessarily dyadic.

2.  The approximation and nth level detail coefficients are arranged in the transform matrix in a different order. So LIST formation should be changed.

3.   Moreover the offsprings are established in a different format.


So modifications must be made in the normal SPIHT Algorithm to make it comply with the Ridgelet Transform. The following are the solutions proposed to address these problems in applying SPIHT to Ridgelet Transformed image:


1. The Orthonormal Ridgelet Transform which uses dyadic Decomposition of Radon Projections to the maximum number of levels is chosen for the coding technique.

2. In Orthonormal RT we find that each column (Wavelet transformed Radon Projection) has one Approximation coefficient, one nth level detail coefficient, two (n-1)th level coefficients, four (n-2)th level coefficients and so on. Hence it can be seen that all approximation coefficients fall in the 1st row of the RT image and all nth level detail coefficients fall in the 2nd row.


Fig 4 List Formation in Modified SPIHT Algorithm


So it is very clear that from Fig 5 that the Modified SPIHT has different type of list contents against Normal SPIHT as described below:

                 In Normal SPIHT – LIP contains approximation coefficients with nth level detail coefficients. But, LIS will have nth level detail coefficients.

                 In Modified SPIHT – LIP contains 1st and 2nd row which is again approximation coefficients with nth level detail coefficients. But, LIS will have 2nd row which is nth level detail coefficients.


3. Every root has its offspring in the same column, which means that the spatial orientation trees are mapped considering each column as a 1-D vector individually. Every nth detail coefficients has two offspring in (n-1)th detail coefficients set lying in the corresponding position from the top, as its root is in the nth level detail coefficients  set.   


   Hence as a generalization offspring can be mapped by the following formula:

                                 O(i,j) = { (2i,j),(2i+1,j) }



Fig 5 Image Decomposition and Offspring dependencies using Ridgelet Transform


As a result each parent has two offspring in contrast to the four offspring for each parent in the normal SPIHT encoding. These are the important changes made in the SPIHT procedure to be used for Ridgelets (Orthonormal, to be specific).Rest of the procedure is identical to the one applied to wavelets including thresholding, refinement and decoding. The changes made in the encoding process must be considered in the decoding process and appropriately reflected in the inverse way for faithful reconstruction.



For testing the performance of the proposed image coding system, the following test images were taken up:


      (a) Object                  (b) Saturn               (c) Truncated


 Fig 6 Test Images

These images in Fig 7 were subjected to orthonormal Ridgelet transform which uses 1-D dyadic wavelet decomposition. Hence it provided means for SPIHT encoding. The standard parameters like MSE, PSNR and CR were calculated for various numbers of planes excluded during the SPIHT encoding. The results obtained are compared with the SPIHT encoded images after normal 2-D wavelet decomposition up to the equal number of levels. The wavelet named ‘db1’ was used in both cases.


In the following sections we use the terms “proposed technique” for Orthonormal FRIT (OFRIT) followed by Modified SPIHT and “existing technique” for 2-D Wavelet Transform followed by Conventional SPIHT. The subject quality of the Reconstructed Images from Proposed technique is much better than that from the existing technique which is much evident from the Fig 10.                      


The results given in Table I clearly show the superiority of Ridgelet Transforms over wavelet transforms with straight edges. Moreover the smooth distribution of the intensity levels  

contributes to the compaction of most part of the image energy in the low frequency range, so that the compression becomes much easier and effective. Ridgelets outdo the wavelets in all parameters taken for comparison for the given object image. Since the edges are captured in a



Comparison results of OBJECT image


No. of bit planes excluded




Proposed scheme


Existing scheme


Proposed scheme


Existing scheme


Proposed scheme


Existing scheme

































Comparison results of SATURN image


No. of bit planes excluded




Proposed scheme


Existing scheme


Proposed scheme


Existing scheme


Proposed scheme


Existing scheme































 very small number of ridgelet coefficients, the performance is very good even when most of the coefficients are dropped. In the case of wavelets it is not the same. They fail in capturing the two dimensional singularity as effectively as the Ridgelet transform.    


Statistics in Table II provides a clear insight in the efficiency of the Ridgelet transform in coding the Saturn image which has a curved edge. Even though the boundary is curved, we can very well observe different shades of intensity along straight lines. This aspect has contributed to the success of Ridgelet over Wavelets. The tradeoff between Compression ratio and PSNR is very appreciable and encourages the usage of Ridgelet transforms for astronomical data like the Saturn image. A set of reconstructed images at various levels of compression have been provided at the end of this chapter for comparisons. A typical custom made test image of a Truncated Gaussian function has been found to produce very good results as seen in Table III, with the proposed compression system though the image has only one linear singularity, it is well coded by Ridgelets than Wavelets.


The graphs shown in Fig 8, 9 and 10 are a comparison between Ridgelets and Wavelets with compression ratio along the x-axis and PSNR along the y-axis. It can be clearly seen that the



Comparison results OF TRUNCATED GAUSSIAN image


No. of bit planes excluded




Proposed scheme


Existing scheme


Proposed scheme


Existing scheme


Proposed scheme


Existing scheme































Ridgelets curve is ahead of the wavelets curve at all points for all the test images considered. A trade off in the compression ratio achieved by wavelets, to match the PSNR achieved by the Ridgelets, seems too costly.


    Fig 7   CR vs. PSNR for OBJECT image          Fig 8    CR vs. PSNR for SATURN image            Fig 9    CR vs. PSNR for TRUNCATED

                                                                                                                                                                        GAUSSIAN image


The graph shown in Fig 7 clearly indicates the superiority of the proposed compression technique using Ridgelets with modified SPIHT over the existing wavelet based method. The high signal content in the proposed method could not be achieved by the existing method even with a sacrifice in the compression ratio. Also the curves show an interesting feature about the proposed compression method. For lower compression ratio range of 5 to 25 we find that the PSNR increases as the compression ratio increases. This is unlike the existing schemes which show a decrease in PSNR as the compression ratio increases. The graph is a proof for the fact that the proposed method is highly suitable for images with straight edges especially like “object” image. The comparison graph shown in Fig 8 for the Saturn image reflects high PSNR for the proposed method than the existing one for all ranges of compression ratios. But another feature to note is that the PSNR curve doesn’t exhibit the strange behaviour as that of the object image. It is more a normal behaviour with an increase in the PSNR performance. Fig 9 shows the comparison graph for the truncated Gaussian image. This graph is more or less similar to the one obtained for object image. The curve for the proposed technique shows the increase in PSNR as well as the strange behavior similar to the one seen in Fig 7. This clearly indicates the suitability of the proposed method for this custom made test image. 



                  Ridgelet Transform                                                      Wavelet Transform

(a) Reconstructed     (b) Reconstructed      (c) Reconstructed                     (d) Reconstructed    (e) Reconstructed   (f) Reconstructed

      Image with               Image with                  Image with                                   Image with               Image with             Image with

       CR= 7.5464             CR= 20.8719              CR= 43.8937                               CR= 8.3525             CR= 19.1304         CR= 31.5551



                     Ridgelet Transform                                                   Wavelet Transform

(g) Reconstructed       (h) Reconstructed      (i) Reconstructed                      (j) Reconstructed       (k) Reconstructed     (l) Reconstructed  

      Image with                 Image with                 Image with                                Image with                Image with               Image with

      CR= 3.6959                CR= 8.4370                               CR= 26.0074                             CR= 4.3249              CR= 9.5448             CR= 31.2467



                     Ridgelet Transform                                                    Wavelet Transform

(m) Reconstructed          (n) Reconstructed      (o) Reconstructed                (p) Reconstructed       (q) Reconstructed   (r) Reconstructed  

      Image with                     Image with                 Image with                            Image with                  Image with                  Image with

      CR= 5.7522                   CR= 20.9231             CR= 50.8020                        CR= 4.1815                CR= 10.3302               CR= 52.2045


Fig 10 Original and Reconstructed Images using Ridgelet and Wavelet Transform with Modified SPIHT for different Compression ratios

VI.        Conclusions


The proposed algorithm of Finite Ridgelet transform combined with Modified SPIHT scheme gave compression ratios as high as 80:1 with very good PSNR. The results are found to be comparable with conventional wavelet based compression popularly available in JPEG 2000 for the Images which are more discontinuous with straight line singularity and hence this method warrants further investigation. The codec is characterized by its low computational complexity and the computational speed of the algorithm is very good than the wavelet based schemes. Experimental results clearly show that the proposed compression technique results in higher quality reconstructed images compared to that of other prominent algorithms operating at similar bit rates for the class of images where edges are dominant with minimum variation in compression ratio. Thus, we can conclude that FRIT with modified SPIHT is likely to be among the current state-of-the-art compression algorithms in terms of visual and computational performance.

VII.     Acknowledgment


The authors are grateful for the support extended by the Network project funded by Swiss Development Cooperation towards the completion of this project.


VIII.     References

[1]    J. Candes, “Ridgelets: theory and applications”, Ph.D. thesis, Department of Statistics, Stanford University, 1998.

[2]    E. J. Candes and D. L. Donoho, “Ridgelets: a key to higher-dimensional intermittency", Phil. Trans. R.Soc. Lond. A., pp. 2495-2509, 1999.

[3]    Emmanuel J. Candes, “Ridgelets and Their Derivatives: Representation of Images with Edges”, Saint Malo Proceedings, Vanderbilt University Press, Nashville, TN, pp. 1-10, 2000.

[4]    Minh N. Do and Martin Vetterli, “Orthonormal Finite Ridgelet Transform for Image Compression”, in proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Image Compressing, Vol. 2, pp. 367-370, September 2000.

[5]    Minh N. Do and Martin Vetterli, “The Finite Ridgelet Transform for Image Representation”, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 12, No. 1 January 2003.

[6]    E. D. Bolker, “The finite Radon transform", in Integral Geometry (Contemporary Mathematics, Vol. 63),S. Helgason R. L. Bryant, V. Guillemin and R. O. Wells Jr., Eds., pp. 27-50. 1987.

[7]    F. Matus and J. Flusser, “Image representation via a finite Radon transform", IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Machine Intelligence, vol. 15, no. 10, pp. 996-1006, Oct 1993.   

[8]    Aldo Morales and Sedig Agili, Implementing the SPIHT Algorithm in MATLAB”, Proceedings of ASEE/WFEO International Colloquium, 2003.

[9]    A. Said and W. Pearlman, “A New, fast and Efficient Image Codec based on Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Trees,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video technology, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 243 – 250, June 1996.

[10]           Sayood, Khalid (2000),” Introduction to Data Compression”, Second edition Morgan Kaufmann, pp. 45-494.

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